Tradition 7

Overeaters Anonymous has no dues or fees for membership. It is entirely self-supporting through contributions. Most groups “pass the basket” at meetings to cover expenses. OA does not solicit or accept outside contributions.

According to our 7th Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Please give generously to ensure that OA as a whole will continue.

Donations can be made to the Overeaters Anonymous Sydney Intergroup directly via bank deposit using the following details, however you should check with your individual group treasurer how to best support your regular meeting(s) with their regular running costs.

BSB: 062 172
Account Number: 10042935
Account Name: Overeaters Anonymous Sydney Intergroup
Reference: [Your Meeting Name – eg “Wed Glebe”]


The only animals allowed at OA meetings or events are assistance animals as defined in Sections 8 & 9 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, (as amended 2009). The presence of animals other than the above contravenes the leasing agreements for the venues hired to OA for meetings and OA events.

On this basis, Sydney Intergroup cannot allow animals (except assistance animals as defined) to be admitted to meetings or other OA events.

Members with assistance animals are requested to send details of their assistance animal’s registration to the Chair of Sydney Intergroup ([email protected]) and to notify meetings and events they attend that their animal meets these requirements.